Wednesday, June 25, 2014



I switched books with Sarah Keilman and skimmed e: The Story of a Number by Eli Maor.  My first impression was it was dry and I had a hard time staying awake to read.  At times it seemed more like a textbook, which I don't typically enjoy reading.  I like narratives better like the first book I read, Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality.  The history of a couple mathematicians was interesting and fun to read; some mathematicians had interesting traits that I didn't know about and I enjoyed reading about them.  I think the number e and its connection to nature is just fascinating so I enjoyed seeing the connection in sunflowers and other aspects of nature.  Also e's connection with interest earned on bank accounts and arches is interesting too.  The number e seems too perfect to me but that makes it intriguing as well.  The book was very informative and had a lot of math so I think it was meant for readers with a mathematics background.  Overall it was a good skim, and I learned a lot! 

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